Speakers 2022-23

ESAS elects its management committee at its AGM held on the first Thursday of November each year.  The committee serve for a period of one year and may subsequently stand for re-election.

If you need assistance then please contact one of the committee or its officers at either a Society meeting or through their contact details shown below. 

ESAS Committee 2024/25

Role Name Email address
Chair Andy Lawes This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vice Chair Albert (Paddy) Hamilton  
Secretary Aileen Francis This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Treasurer Colin Bell This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Albedo editor Chris Platts This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dark Site Coordinator Martin White This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Membership Secretary Steve Munns This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Committee member Charlie Kite  
ESAS Committee Members
ESAS Committee Members: Paddy, Aileen, Andy, Chris, Charlie, Colin & Martin

Patron of ESAS : Professor Chris Lintott


Honorary President: The late Sir Patrick Moore, CBE, FRS, FRAS

Honorary President
Sir Patrick Moore CBE, HonFRS, FRAS
Prof. Chris Lintott FRAS
Honorary Members
Rosemary Selmes (4th February 2010)
Lester Selmes (4th February 2010)
Andy Lawes (2nd September 2010)
Executive Committee & Trustees
Year Chair Secretary Treasurer Deputy Chair
2023/24 Andy Lawes Aileen Francis Colin Bell  
2022/23 Andy Lawes Aileen Francis Colin Bell  
2021/22 Doug Edworthy Kay Hunting Dave Williams Nigel Martin
2020/21 Doug Edworthy Kay Hunting Dave Williams Nigel Martin        
2019/20 Doug Edworthy Kay Hunting Dave Williams Nigel Martin
2018/19 Doug Edworthy Kay Hunting Dave Williams Nigel Martin
2017/18 Doug Edworthy Kay Hunting Dave Williams Vacant
2016/17 Andy Lawes Alieen Francis Charlie & Gloria Kite Albert (Paddy) Hamilton
2015/16 Andy Lawes Aileen Francis   Paul Foster
2014/15 Andy Lawes Aileen Francis Angela Gardner Paul Foster
2013/14 Andy Lawes  Terry Larkin   Vacant Paul Foster 
2012/13 Lester Selmes Andy Lawes Rosemary Selmes Paul Foster
2011/12 David Pulley Simon Allen Andy Lawes Chris Woodcock
2010/11 David Pulley Simon Allen Andy Lawes Chris Woodcock
2009/10 David Pulley Simon Allen Andy Lawes Chris Woodcock
2008/09 David Pulley Simon Allen Andy Lawes Chris Woodcock
2007/08 Lester Selmes Simon Allen Andy Lawes Chris Woodcock
2006/07 Lester Selmes Simon Allen Dave Wright Andy Lawes
2005/06 Andy Lawes Simon Allen Dave Wright Lester Selmes
2004/05 Andy Lawes Simon Allen Dave Wright Chris Woodcock
2003/04 Andy Lawes Simon Allen Dave Wright Marcus Croft
2002/03 Andy Lawes ? ? ?
2001/02 Andy Lawes Marcus Croft Dave Wright Phil Marston
2000/01 Andy Lawes Marcus Croft Sarah Dowsett Doug Hastings


East Sussex Astronomical Society maintain a Facebook page with Event information. Please refer to ESAS Facebook events page

We hope you find all you need to know about ESAS here. In addition to the items shown on the left hand menu the following links will provide you with additional information...

How to find us

Joining ESAS

Contact ESAS


If you cannot find what you need to know, please contact a Society committee member

In this section you will find how our Society came into being and who have been the principal committee officers since its founding.  There is also a list of current committee members and their contact details together with a section of links to all our press releases etc.

As a member of ESAS you have access to a selection of scopes that can be borrowed.  The Society also publishes its own star map and calendar, both of which are available to members and non members at a small cost.

If you want to help ESAS there is information of what you can do to help us and, if you have a little more time, how you can become a committee member and serve the Society by helping to plan its future direction.

Members Section

To access our Members Section you have to be an ESAS Member and have a user id and password.  In our Members section you will be able to:

Access all of our back issues of Albedo (there are some missing from the period 2001 to 2003 and if you have a copy please let the webmaster know)
Get directions to our Dark Site and guidance notes when there
We are hoping in the near future for members to access the raw FITS images taken by our members using large telescopes around the world.  You will be able to process these and compete with the best Hubble images
Some historical videos of our meetings Q&A sessions
And much more

Find us

Egerton Park Indoor Bowls Club,
Egerton Road,
Bexhill, East Sussex,
TN39 3HL


May Meeting:
Venue to be announced


Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month from 8pm to 10pm

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