3rd January 2013 Peter Gill talk entitled 'Solar Activity' also Andy Lawes will be giving a tribute talk about our Honary Patron Sir Patrick Moore.
7th March 2013 Bob Mizon - Ten targets for light polluted Astronomers
4th April 2013 William Joyce (Herstmonceaux Science Centre) Geologist and Astronomer. His talk is entitled Extrasolar Astrobiology.
2nd May 2013 David Mannion (Dr)
6th June 2013 - Dr Chris North
TV Astronomer, broadcaster and author. Chris has been interested in all things space-related since he was young, and was writing school projects on rockets and space missions from junior school onwards. Skip forward a decade, and he was an undergraduate studying Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge, still with a keen appetite for physics and astronomy. Despite almost being converted into a geologist, I decided to stick to my roots and stayed with astrophysics. My involvement continued after I'd completed my PhD and moved to Cardiff University, where I work on two astronomical satellites: the European Space Agency's Herschel and Planck missions. I do a fair amount of public outreach for those missions - which are producing wonderful and exciting results - both in public and schools, and to both students and teachers."
July 4th, 2013 Members meeting where we have 4 short talks by members;
Our Line up;
- St Richards students talking on "Astronomy for Visually Impaired"
- Richie Jarvis - Talk entitled 'The Robots of Mars'
- Peter Bolwell - Talk entitled 'The Men who Went to the Moon'
- Andy Lawes will be taking the meeting and finishing off with our Sky Diary and notices.
August 3rd, 2013 ESAS Star-B-Q on St Mary's Lawns (No Meeting this month)
September 5th, 2013 Paul L Money FRAS, FBIS
An astronomer based in Lincolnshire, England, Paul is well known for his animated talks, he is the reviews editor of the BBC Sky at Night magazine. Paul broadcasts regularly on BBC Radio Lincolnshire and was awarded the 'Eric Zucker' award for 2002/2003 for contributions to Astronomy by the Federation of Astronomical Societies.
October 3rd, 2013 Dr Stewart Clark returns to give us another thrilling installment in his series of talks "The Day without Yesterday".
Stuart Clark is a widely read astronomy journalist whose career is devoted to presenting the complex world of astronomy to the general public. Stuart holds a first class honours degree and a PhD in astrophysics. He is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, a former Vice Chair of the Association of British Science Writers and is the cosmology consultant for 'New Scientist'. In 2000 'The Independent' placed him alongside Stephen Hawking and the Astronomer Royal, Professor Sir Martin Rees, as one of the 'stars' of British astrophysics teaching.
Saturday 12th 10am - 5:30pm BAA Out of London Back to Basics workshop/talks hosted by ESAS at St Mary's school, Wrestwood Road Bexhill.
November 7th, 2013 Greg Smye-Rumsby talk on the subject of Uranus, the seventh planet from the sun. NB: Dr Francisco Diego planned November talk has been postponed.
December 5th, 2013 Professor Robert Iliffe Sir Isaac Newton" ~
Professor Iliffe is Professor of Intellectual History and the History of Science, the University of Sussex